Performance management solutions for B2B Tech Revenue
Reliable forecasting. Early Alerting. Boosted Productivity.
For B2B Tech Execs, VP Sales and their Investors
Reps create deals too early. Reps kill deals too late.
Performance monitoring is biased.
Struggling with your revenue productivity and reliability?
Anticipate revenue performance issues with SnowLeopard Platform pre-built 360 dashboard
Pre-built KPIs, reports and advanced analytics, seamlessly integrated with your CRM, to monitor your current / past / future revenue performance
Step up on process and productivity with SnowLeopard Sales Academy pre-packaged masterclass
Condensed program of 4 weeks with a 2 hours session per week and applied work between sessions on revenue performance fundamentals. Apply it instantly to your organisation. Save time. Go fast.
Leverage Senior CRO consulting to fix performance issues and get your sales machine full speed
20 years of B2B Tech CRO expertise to work on Revenue Process, Strategy & Organisation, Gotomarket & KPI and maximize your sales productivity